Summers are getting hot in Calgary and it can be tricky to keep cool in the sweltering heat. Learn a few easy tricks to staying comfortable and enjoying the season.
Summer has arrived in Calgary, and with it, our first heat wave of the season. We know staying cool can be a challenge, so here are a few quick tips to ward off the heat and keep your home nice and frosty!
(Hint, the ‘cool’ setting on your thermostat doesn’t mean you have A/C)
This sounds obvious, but if you don’t know the first thing you should do is to check whether or not your unit has air conditioning (A/C) installed. If you live in a house your A/C unit will be located somewhere outside the building. If you live in an apartment or condo building there may be a large unit located on the roof supplying cool air to the building.
If you see a ‘cool’ setting on, your thermostat it does not mean you have A/C. This setting turns on your furnace fan to circulate air through your home, but will not cool it - but don’t worry! Even without A/C there’s still lots you can do to help keep your home nice and comfortable in the summer heat.
Close your windows and blinds during the day to help to insulate your home and keep the cooler air inside. Also, try to minimize the amount of times the exterior doors are opened and closed to maintain a cooler indoor temperature.
Once the temperature has dropped, open your windows and blinds at night to release the warm air that has gathered in your home over the course of the day, and to let the cool night air in.
People are sometimes surprised at what a difference small changes can make. For example, closing your windows and blinds in the morning will help to block out the sun and reduce indoor temperatures. Additionally, switching to salads, barbecuing, or ordering out (really eliminating any stovetop or oven time) will help to maintain cooler temperatures.
Chestermere Lake, the Airdrie Splash Park, your local community has lots of resources to help keep Calgarians cool! Click below to look through some of Calgary’s public pools and find a swimming hole close to home.
By following these tips, you can make your home more comfortable during Calgary's heat wave. Staying cool is not only about comfort but also about health and safety, so take these steps seriously and stay hydrated. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Stay cool and enjoy your summer!