Managing Upper Unit Listings During Basement Construction: Keeping Tenants Happy

August 12, 2024

Listing an upper unit during basement construction? Stay ahead with clear communication, offer perks, manage noise, and keep tenants informed. This guide helps you handle the process smoothly and keep tenants happy

Listing an upper unit while basement construction is happening can be a bit tricky, but with some careful planning and good communication, you can keep things running smoothly and keep your tenants happy. Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process:

Give a Heads-Up About Basement Construction

  • Be Upfront: Let potential tenants know about the basement work before they sign anything. Make sure they have a clear picture of what’s happening and how long it might take.
  • Sweeten the Deal: To make things more appealing, think about offering a rent discount as compensation for any disturbances caused by the construction. Additionally you can arrange for a bi-weekly cleaning service for your upper unit to help control any construction dust.
  • Talk About Noise: Advise any vendors that their operating hours will be limited to 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM to minimize disruptions to the current tenants. If the project necessitates working past these hours give the tenants 48 hours notice - this way, they can plan their day around it.

Check on Landscaping

  • Have a Plan: Get everything in place so that once you have received your grade certificate you’re ready to get to work.
  • Make Sure It’s Done: Confirm that all landscaping work around the construction site is completed. This helps with both the look and the function of the area.
  • Keep It Safe: Ensure pathways, access points, and surrounding areas are free of debris and hazards. Safe access is key to keeping tenants happy.

Read about how you can save money on your renovation with Calgary's new Secondary Suite Incentive Program

Party Door and Maintenance Access

  • Boost Security: Install a door with a handle and a double cylinder deadbolt between the upper and lower units. This keeps both sides secure and prevents unauthorized access while ensuring both tenants have access to the maintenance room.
  • Create a Common Space: Design the basement suite to include a common area for mechanical systems. This helps reduce disruptions and gives a designated spot for maintenance.

Construction Etiquette

  • Give Advance Notice: Make sure to inform property management about any planned shutdowns of heating, water, or electrical services at least 3 business days in advance. This gives tenants time to prepare.
  • Compensation Policy: Have a policy in place to compensate tenants if there are multiple service shutdowns or big disruptions. This shows you’re committed to their satisfaction.
  • Limit Construction Hours: Stick to construction hours of 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday (excluding holidays). This helps keep the noise down and maintains a peaceful living environment.

Stay in Touch

  • Give Regular Updates: Keep tenants in the loop with regular updates on construction progress. This helps ease any concerns and keeps them reassured.
  • Feedback Loop: Set up a way for tenants to share any issues or concerns about the construction. Addressing these promptly can help prevent small problems from becoming big ones.

Construction is disruptive, but with a little planning you can handle the challenges of listing an upper unit during basement construction with ease. Clear communication and a proactive approach are key to ensuring your tenants stay happy and your property runs smoothly!

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